First aid for newborn lamb respiratory distress syndrome


Causes of disease xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

The cause of this disease is not fully understood. As far as it is known, it is related to premature delivery, caesarean section, hypoxia and acidosis. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Clinical symptoms xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The diseased lamb is mainly characterized by difficulty in breathing and cyanosis. It is progressively aggravated, with expiratory sputum, nostril expansion, weakened breath sounds in both lungs, and small murmurs can be heard during inhalation. The heart sound began to normal, and gradually weakened later, and the auscultation had systolic murmur. As the disease progresses, respiratory failure quickly occurs. Severe sick lambs often die within 2 to 3 days. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Diagnostic method xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Any premature weak lamb, caesarean section lambs have difficulty breathing after 6-12 hours of birth, mucous membrane blemishes, and progressive exacerbation, that is, the disease should be considered, if necessary, combined with laboratory tests, if blood pH and carbon dioxide binding capacity is reduced, arterial blood Increased carbon dioxide tension, decreased blood sodium, elevated blood potassium, can be diagnosed. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

First-aid treatment xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Strengthen the care and immediately put the diseased lamb in a quiet environment, pay attention to keep warm, and promptly remove the mucus in the mouth and nasal cavity. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The concentration of oxygen-absorbing oxygen should not exceed 40%. Once the hair is lost, intermittent oxygen can be used, each inhalation for 5 to 10 minutes. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Correct the acidosis of 5% sodium bicarbonate, each time 5 ml per kilogram of body weight, add 10% glucose solution intravenously, if necessary, first take half of the total amount of slow intravenous injection, the remaining intravenous infusion. This method can not only correct acidosis, but also expand the blood vessels of the lungs, improve the blood perfusion of the lungs, and increase the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Control heart failure by using K0.01 of venomous hairs per kilogram of body weight, then 30 ml of 10% glucose solution, diluted and slowly injected intravenously. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Control cerebral edema with 20% mannitol at a rate of 5 ml per kg of body weight, rapid intravenous injection, 1 or 2 times a day. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

When hyperkalemia potassium is too high, 15% glucose solution can be added to the intravenous infusion of insulin, and 1 to 4 g of glucose is used for 1 international unit of insulin. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Improve intracellular respiration with cytochrome C15 mg, adenosine triphosphate 20 mg, coenzyme A50 international unit and vitamin B6 xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

50 mg, add 25% of 25% glucose solution, one intravenous infusion, once a day. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Prevention of infection to prevent secondary pneumonia, available penicillin 200,000 international units, intramuscular injection, 2 times a day, or with kanamycin 15 mg per kg body weight, divided into 2 to 3 intramuscular injections. xWB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry


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