First, how to buy fireworks 1. You should go to the exclusive booths with sales licenses for fireworks and firecrackers to buy them. Do not buy fireworks and firecrackers at unscrupulous stalls and illegal vendors selling goods on the street. 2. Consumers must purchase products that are allowed to be discharged. This year, five categories of products must not be sold or discharged. First, fireworks and firecracker A -level products; second, throwing guns, pull guns, mortars, and polishing guns; third, double -throwing firecrackers with a diameter of more than 30mm and large doses; fourth, unqualified and expired quality; and fifth, other prohibition of sales and Fireworks and fireworks. 3 , should buy a neat appearance, no mildew, complete and unalterable product, the product logo should be complete and clear, that is, a regular factory name, site, there is a prompt language, Chinese discharge description. 4. Firewires for firecrackers and firecrackers should use safe wires that are free from mildew, no damage, no knots, no looseness, and no shortness. Second, fireworks and firecrackers should be noted in addition to the instructions 1. All fireworks and firecrackers should be discharged outdoors, and the firing site that meets the requirements should be selected in strict accordance with the instructions on the product. 2. Keep a clear head when setting off fireworks and firecrackers. Please do not set off fireworks after drinking. 3 , to be discharged by adults, do not allow minors to set off fireworks alone; And to stop them from releasing dangerous species and taking out gunpowder inside fireworks to make other toys. 4 , to choose a safe place, and place a smooth discharge. 5 , the general use of cigarettes or incense ignited, lit, the person immediately left to a safe location. In the event of an abnormal situation, please do not immediately move closer to the product. Generally, wait 15 minutes before proceeding. 6. Some city citizens should set off fireworks during the lifting of the ban (according to local regulations). 7. Do not discharge in places where there is no safety condition, such as stairways, gas stations, substations, gas pressure regulating stations, high-voltage lines, public places, etc.; rural villagers should keep fireworks and firecrackers away from factories, warehouses, farmers' markets, and combustible houses. Areas, foodstuffs, firewood, and other flammable and explosive places should be inspected carefully after discharge, and it should be noted that shredded pieces of residual fire should be promptly cleaned up. 8. It is strictly forbidden to use the firecrackers to play the game of "fire". It is easy to hurt people by doing so. 9. When firing, firecrackers should be placed on the ground, or hung on long poles. Do not hold them in your hands. This is dangerous and prone to injury. Third, fireworks and other safety precautions 1. It is forbidden to carry fireworks, trains, ships, planes, buses and other public transportation. It is strictly prohibited to entrain fireworks and checked baggage, parcels, goods, and postal mail. It is strictly forbidden to disguise or disguise the name of fireworks. 2. Store in homes away from fires or heaters, etc., or heat. 3 , to make sure to close the doors and windows when leaving home, to prevent the fire from flying home. 4. The combustibles on balconies, platforms, roofs, patios, and buildings should be cleaned out to prevent combustibles from igniting and reaching home. 5 , to put the outer wall of fabrics and other flammable shade cloth, air conditioning protection cloth to collect, to fire the star ignited. 6. Take measures to block any openings and holes in the external walls to prevent fire from flying into the room. 7. Don't buy too many fireworks and firecrackers at home, let alone provide storage for illegal sales. Some of the information in this article is from the Internet and edited by China Rescue Equipment Network. Medical Industry Mass Flow Meter
Sealand is a professional manufacturer of Medical Mass Flow Meter, Medical Mass Flowmeter, Medical Coriolis Meter, Medical Flow Meter, Medical Flowmeter, ATEX, IECEx & CE approved.
There are 2 optical switches for operation. The SET and SELECT optical switches are used to navigate the transmitter display. To
activate an optical switch, move your finger 1~2mm over the optical switch close to the
The general operation is listed as follows.
On Main Interfaces
Activate SET to alternate mass and volume values.
Activate SELECT to alternate main interfaces.
Long activate SELECT to go to Setup Interface.
Long activate SET for total reset.
Back to Main Interface
Long activate SET & SELECT at the same time.
Select Submenu,
Parameters & Numbers
Activate SELECT to select the submenu, parameters or
Activate SET to go to submenu or save parameters/numbers.
Save setup
Long activate SET to save the modified setup.
Back or Exit
Long activate SELECT.
Medical Mass Flow Meter, Medical Mass Flowmeter, Medical Coriolis Meter, Medical Flow Meter, Medical Flowmeter Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. ,
1. The display will timeout without any operation in 5 min.
2. During numbers input, the decimal point will come up automatically if the first digit is 0; if not 0, please activate SELECT until decimal point shows up.
2017 Fire Safety Information
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