When the spring coil is used to plug the TCCF to select the coil, the GDC is preferred to establish a stable basket structure. The free ferrule-free free coil can be used to densely fill the cavernous sinus, which saves costs and saves time. GDC is still used for sealing. TCCF with a long history or repeated recurrence may have external carotid artery blood supply. When the coil is incomplete, the embolization material such as microparticles, silk thread or NBCA (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) may be combined, especially with low concentration NBCA embolization residue. The lesion, but the intraoperative injection time, drug concentration must be strictly controlled, and angiography should be carefully observed. It is best to perform embolization under clear path technique to prevent the risk of drug influx into the blood vessels or ICA causing embolism. Some patients with 15%-20% NBCA mixed preparations for the treatment of 5 cases of repeated recurrence and CCF with difficulty in the treatment of arterial or venous approach, the effect is satisfactory. When the arterial approach is difficult, a transcatheter coil can be used for embolization. The most common venous approach is a subsacral sinus or an ocular venous approach. Although the venous approach is sometimes separated by the cavernous sinus fibers, it is difficult to send the microcatheter into the cavernous sinus. Internal, but once successful, its efficacy is very positive. When the coil is filled, tightly packed according to the separation of the cavernous sinus to prevent dangerous vein drainage after embolization. When the coil is incomplete, the neck can be treated during the operation and postoperative. It can reduce the blood flow through the fistula and promote rapid thrombosis. Sometimes it can achieve better results. We have 7 cases of this kind of treatment after this method. Both achieved good clinical results. Advantages, risks and shortcomings of embolizing TCCF with spring coils: Advantages: The spring ring has better compliance than the balloon and can better fill the existing space, so that the ICA can restore the anatomy and reduce the corresponding blood vessel pressure. Opportunity, and a wider range of spring rings of different sizes and shapes; and the volume of the balloon leaks after filling, the late leakage is common, the pseudoaneurysm is often formed after the leak, and the coil has no such complications. . Risk: The coils are displaced or detached from the ICA, and the arterialized cavernous sinus is damaged or pierced, but this risk can be avoided by strict rules. We found that 2 cases of TCCF were translocated to ICA with free coils. It should be noted that GDC does not have this risk. Defect: After filling with a spring coil, it is not very effective to quickly occlude the fistula. After the balloon is successfully occluded, the fistula can be quickly and effectively occluded. However, the coil sometimes closes the fistula completely, but the fistula is further blocked. Can be spontaneously occluded. The coil can be used to embolize some small sputum or complicated refractory TCCF with difficulty in occlusion of the balloon. It can be treated by transarterial or venous approach, and the effect is certainly satisfactory, and it can also make up for insufficient balloon embolization. Iron Furniture,Table Frame,Table Legs,Sofa Frame Ming Yi iron arts company , https://www.mingyi-ironware.com