Application of ammonium bicarbonate


Avoid mixing with superphosphate and apply again. Ammonium bicarbonate is mixed with superphosphate. Although it is better than single application, it should be applied immediately after mixing. It should not be used for a long time, and it should not be overnight. Because of the strong hygroscopicity of the superphosphate, the mixed fertilizer will become slurried or agglomerated, which is unfavorable for application, and the ammonium hydrogencarbonate is highly volatile and volatile.

Avoid mixing with bacterial fertilizers After the application of ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia gas will be released, and contact with the bacterial fertilizer will cause the living bacteria in the bacterial fertilizer to die, so that the bacterial fertilizer loses its effect.

Avoid seed dressing If the ammonium bicarbonate is mixed with the seeds, it will not only inhibit the viability of the seeds, but also burn the seeds.

When there is dew, the ammonium bicarbonate will adhere to the leaves of the crop, causing partial burns on the leaves.

Avoid application at high temperatures The volatility of ammonium bicarbonate is closely related to the temperature. The higher the temperature, the more volatile loss. Therefore, ammonium bicarbonate should not be applied under high temperature and hot days.

Avoid the application of topsoil. The ammonium bicarbonate is applied to the soil surface, and the fertilizer effect should be volatile loss of 1/4 to 1/3. Deep application of ammonium bicarbonate and covering soil can increase the fertilizer utilization rate by more than 20% compared with soil surface application.

Avoid dry soil application Soil drying, even if applied deep, ammonium bicarbonate can not be dissolved in time and adsorbed by the soil and used for crops. Only when the soil has a certain water content, the applied ammonium bicarbonate can dissolve in time, reducing the loss of volatilization.

Avoid leaf surface spraying When spraying ammonium bicarbonate leaves, it is easy to burn the leaves and affect the photosynthesis of crop leaves.
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