There are five rules of taboo placed in furniture can not be violated


The beautiful and comfortable new home was finally renovated. The placement of the furniture may be the last procedure, but the knowledge in it is not a minor one. let's figure it out together. Look at the taboo below. Did you do it?

Amber kitchen cabinet

Taboo one

Nowadays, fabric sofas are more popular, and excessively strong sunlight will cause the surface of beautiful fabric sofas to fade. Sofas with other materials will also be damaged due to prolonged direct sunlight, which will directly affect the durability of sofas. So no matter which material the sofa is made of, None of them can be placed near windows for a long time, especially when the room is facing the west. The sofa should not be placed long by the window

Taboo II

There are two reasons for placing audio and video equipment away from the window for two reasons: First, the screen of the TV set will have a reflective effect when it is exposed to light, making the eyes uncomfortable when enjoying TV programs. Secondly, near the window, it will be contaminated with dust. When it rains, it is more likely that rain will splash on the equipment, affecting its operation and even causing electric leakage. Audio and video equipment should not be placed near the window

Feng Shui taboo chandelier TV window cloth TV decoration furniture room fabric bed cloth sofa fabric sofa cushion fabric sofa

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